Sunday, May 31, 2009

Close to Shore

1. The book goes into great detail of a Dr. Vausent and what he was ding before the attacks in his life.
2. He is a well off doctor and has a summer home were the attacks took place.
3. The book also goes into how sharks mate which is described as a sort of violent collision.
4. The Great white shark is said to be very quick when it is young but once it gets older it no longer needs its speed but is still very quick for it's size.
5. The Great white that caused the attacks of 1916 was said to have come up the Gulf Stream.
1. Why is the book talking about all the events before the attacks?
2. Why is the doctor so important?
3. Why do sharks eat other sharks?
4. How big was the shark?
1. Cannibal. Something that's eats its own kind.
2. Doctor. A Worker in the medical field.
3. Jagged. Serrated, very rough.
Literature terms
1. Direct charicterization doctor is described as a short man with dark hair.
2. Protagonist. i am pretty sure that the doctor is the protagonist.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Close to Shore

1. Usually for my comments i descirbe the story and all its details myself but this story is not really a sotry it's more like a collection of first hand accounts and research. So I will instead give the research in my own words.
2. The shark attacks mof 1916 took place outside a beach called the Engleside.
3. At this point the hotel is flourishing with the invention of the horseless carriages, cars,.
4. Sharks are thought to be tales of myth and are consider cowardly by the public.
5. Famous Sportsman have swam with sharks and have not been bitten making it look even more like sharks are harmless.
1. Why weren't accounts of shark attacks kept back then?
2. Why are sharks considered to be myths?
3. When was the hotel founded?
4.what kind of sharks did these Sportsmen swim with?
1. Apex. On top the highest point.
2. Reluctant. Refusing hard to get rid of.
3. Wager. A bet 0or challenge.
Literature terms.
1. Direct characterization. The Great white shark is descibed as a large vicious predator.
2. Setting. A bright fancy hotel on a nice sunny beach.