Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1. At the end of the fourth expedition Rocky West who was one of the divers on the expeditions went on another trip with the artist they had on the expedition with their own crew.
2. Team combined all of their information including the information Rocky obtained and found they sighted 74 sharks and tagged 40 to 45 of them.
3. They found that the Females and Males live separate to each other. The crew speculated it was because the females seek out warmer water to help with child birth.
4. As for their main goal they do speculate that because of how the sharks live if conditions keep up they will be in extreme danger.
5. Not all people are trying to kill these sharks even fishermen care because without them the fishing business would actually suffer. So before you think how evil and bad sharks are think of hoe they play an important role in society.
1. What motivated you to write this book?
2. What would happen if the great whites die out?
3. Are you excited about how many countries are considering protecting Great Whites?
4. Who inspired you to study sharks?
1. Pinniped. A seal like creature.
2. Complex. Complicated. Hard to understand.
3. Reluctant. Refusing to do or act.
Literature terms
1. Resolution. Sadly I have reached the end to a great book.
2. Irony. IN the book the crew chummed because they had a permit other wise it is illegal but greedy fishermen took the chance to get great whites even though the chumming was to help sharks it actually hurted them.
Final comment
I loved this book. I'd recommend it to anyone who is even curious about sharks.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1. During a scientific conference in Sydney Austrailia there was a speaial event held in schools to inform them about how important great whites are to our socity and the food chain.
2. The kids all participated in a art contest foucsed on sharks also during these events. the drawings they made after being told of the danger sharks are in especially in South Austrailia were not ones of hate and fear fo sharks they actually said things like "Save the Sharks" and "Sharks are not Mosters".
3. The crew were the judges of this event and were in high spirts on thier return to the Alcyone ,the ship,.
4. Then the Fourth expedition came to an end and the crew had accumulated 115 hours of footage and nearly 10'000 photgraphs.
5. On the end of the expedition the crew celebrated with with hugs and shampane>
1. How did it feel to finally complete your goal?
2. How many sharks did you sight in totally?
3. Are you going to miss the expeditions?
1. Conference. Meeting for consultation or discussion.
2. Accumulated. To gather or collect, often in gradual degrees
3. Superstition. A belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge.
Litterature terms
1. Falling Action. The story is now in it's falling ac tion and soon it will reach its resolution.
2. Charecterization. Sharks the crew has encountered are considered thoughtful and curious.
Final Comment
I belive that any person who reads this story will deffintly have a different outlook on sharks.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1. The crew has started their first expedition. This will be the last one they all go on together.
2. On this trip they have been joined by two of the most skilled divers in the world one was Valerie Taylor and the other was Bob Talbot.
3. they encountered two males right at the begging of this trip in water that was colder then the water at the Dangerous Reef. This lead the crew to support the theory that females go to warmer waters because their children live better in it
4. During a encounter with a great white a seal came up and started rolling and pretty much mocking the shark.
5. Valerie claimed she had seen this before, Seals seem to like to take advantage of the great whites slowness and mock it. She said she had seen it before when her and Rodney were studying sharks there were a couple of small great whites but than a huge one came she said it must have been at least 18 to 20 feet and a seal started to mock it. This shark got mad and the seal got a little arrogant and made the mistake of getting to close to the mouth of this monster. The shark attacked the seal dogged but one of the smaller sharks got to close and tried to get away but it was to late and was accidentally killed by the other shark.
1. Why would a seal want to do that to it's greatest threat?
2. How can you tell the size of a great white while underwater?
3. Is it possible to immobilize a great white?
4. Why would great whites eat great Whites?
1. Discriminating. Noting differences or distinctions.
2. Stimulus. Something that incites to action or exertion.
3. Christened. To name and dedicate ceremonially.
Literature Terms
1. GENRE. I would clasify this as a sciecnce adventure book.
2. KINESIC. One of the sharks in this story showed it's feeling'sof anger by fliping out and attacking.
Final Comment
It makes me sad to know that this book is coming to end because I enjoy it so much.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cousteau's Graet White Shark]['

1.Near the end of the third expedition of the crew encountered seven Great white sharks at once. For some reason they were very aggressive and repeatedly made bite attempts at the divers. Some of the crew figured it was because of all of them were together is why they were so aggressive because the Great white is a lone creature that only usually get together to mate.
2.Also the Shark Amy returned and did something that surprised teh crew she came up to the plastic cage put her snout up against it and hovered there for awhile just staring. Arrington who was in the cage in the time said he wasn't scared because the shark was not in a attack position all it was doing was looking and inspecting. He described it as that the shark was just as king who and what are you.
3.During the last part of the third expedition the team encountered the largest shark of all the expeditions they called her Bertha and she was at least eighteen feet long very close to the largest shark on record that was actually measured which was nineteen feet long. Some people who actually have enough credit not to be lying have even claimed to have seen great whites over twenty feet long but since they were not measured properly it does not count.
4. At the end of the third expedition the crew was away with family while Cousteau got a call from Barry who gave him bad news that three of the sharks they tagged had been caught already by fishermen one of them was a seven foot young male called Tiny.
5. The crew found out that people didn't care as much about a animal that didn't have a name. But when an animal has a name even a shark people fell sorry for it . The crew didn't consider the sharks they named just any sharks they were their sharks and they the team felt bad for them.
1. How come no other sharks but White's come around with all the chum they throw?
2. How did Amy see with her snout against the tank?
3. How big was Bertha's mouth?
4. What would a shark the size of Bertha eat?
1. Lithium. A soft, silver-white metallic element.
2. Ambient. Completely surrounding; encompassing.
3. Solemn. Serious or earnest.
Literature Terms
1. Irony. The crew felt sympathy for the dead sharks while any other person would not care some would think it good that their dead
2. Foreshadowing. In the book for one of the sharks it says it was the largest they had come by so far hinting that a larger shark would be found.
Final Comment
It amazes me that Animals like the sharks can go so long in their lives without wanting to socialize with other sharks.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1. After the failure with the model great white shark the crew set out again by the dangerous reef.
2. At 5:00 am one of the crew noticed one of the tuna bait lines missing instead of waking the crew he waited until he saw a dorsal fin and then woke everyone up.
3. They tagged him then used the tracking boat they named the titanic for the small leak in the boat.
4. They soon soon lost track bot ran into another shark they named Antoinette the next morning she was fourteen feet long female and had the largest girth of any shark they had come by. she was soon joined by Rosy and anew eleven foot female they named Amy.
5. The crew decided to tag and track Antoinette it proved to be a extremely long track that lasted twenty one and a half hours.
1. How do they get the tag to stay on the shark?
2. How many pups do great whites usually have?
3. Why would the DNA vary in sharks just because of where they live?
4. How does the tracking system actually work.
1. Girth. Size or bulk.
2. Anchorage. The act of anchoring or the state of being anchored.
3. Biopsy. The removal for diagnostic study of a piece of tissue from a living body.
Literature Terms
1. Ambiguity. the word tissue means in the story a part of somethings body but it also can mean a piece of cloth we blow our noise in.
2. Litotes. the size of Antoinette is really underrated in this book because a fourteen foot great white actually is pretty rare.
Final Comment
It surprises me how hard these people are trying to track these sharks in order to save them when they would do the exact opposite to us by eating us . It very inspiring.