Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1. The crew has started their first expedition. This will be the last one they all go on together.
2. On this trip they have been joined by two of the most skilled divers in the world one was Valerie Taylor and the other was Bob Talbot.
3. they encountered two males right at the begging of this trip in water that was colder then the water at the Dangerous Reef. This lead the crew to support the theory that females go to warmer waters because their children live better in it
4. During a encounter with a great white a seal came up and started rolling and pretty much mocking the shark.
5. Valerie claimed she had seen this before, Seals seem to like to take advantage of the great whites slowness and mock it. She said she had seen it before when her and Rodney were studying sharks there were a couple of small great whites but than a huge one came she said it must have been at least 18 to 20 feet and a seal started to mock it. This shark got mad and the seal got a little arrogant and made the mistake of getting to close to the mouth of this monster. The shark attacked the seal dogged but one of the smaller sharks got to close and tried to get away but it was to late and was accidentally killed by the other shark.
1. Why would a seal want to do that to it's greatest threat?
2. How can you tell the size of a great white while underwater?
3. Is it possible to immobilize a great white?
4. Why would great whites eat great Whites?
1. Discriminating. Noting differences or distinctions.
2. Stimulus. Something that incites to action or exertion.
3. Christened. To name and dedicate ceremonially.
Literature Terms
1. GENRE. I would clasify this as a sciecnce adventure book.
2. KINESIC. One of the sharks in this story showed it's feeling'sof anger by fliping out and attacking.
Final Comment
It makes me sad to know that this book is coming to end because I enjoy it so much.

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