Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cousteau's Graet White Shark

1. After tagging Rosey another female thirteen foot great white came towards the boat they named her Isbelle.
2. The crew decided while all four of these sharks around who were Katie, Rosey, Peaches, and Isbelle they would put their artificial shark into the water. the sharks didn't pay any attention to the shark except Peaches.
3. Peaches who mind you is a fifteen foot shark seemed scared of the model for awhile he just circled the model then he bumped it with his nose after that about two minutes later she came up right underneath it and attacked it.
4. Peaches bit the model on the gills then attacked it repeatedly five times. she bit so hard that the ribs f the model which were made out of the same material of the plastic cage snapped in half. The ribs were two inch's thicker than the cage wall.
5. The team could not figure out why Peaches attacked the shark it couldn't be for dominance because she was with three other sharks the whole day the only thing the crew know was that she was really scared of the model.
1. Why did they keep using the plastic cage?
2. Who made the model shark?
3. Why did Peaches attack the shark while none of the other's did?
4. Why didn't they pull the model up after the first attack?
1. Latex. A milky exudate from certain plants that coagulates on exposure to air.
2. Bail. To dip (water) out of a boat, as with a bucket.
3. Artificial. Made by human skill; produced by humans.
Literature terms
1. Simile. In terms of how smart they are sharks are compared to dogs or birds.
2. Characterization. In this story actually the thing I notice about characterization is that there is almost none.
Final Comment.
It's very scarey to know that a shark can literialy bite through bullet proof plastic.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cousteau's Graet White Shark

1. The team returned to the dangerous reef to look for some sharks and they were more than happy to encounter the shark they named peaches.
2. Peaches was a fifteen foot adult great white shark.She hung around the boat for awhile the team even was able to tag her. It was very difficult because this shark's hide was so ruff that the tagging spear's glanced off of her but near the end of the day they finally got it.
3. After this success they got hit by a couple days of bad weather. After this though a small twelve foot great white came around she was dubbed Katie. after she was around the ship for awhile another female small great white came she was nine and a half feet long and was named Daisy. they were both tagged too.
4. The next day there were no sightings but they heared about sharks being sighted by the Neptune islands. They went there the next day and were greeted by a twelve foot long male white they named Wes. He did not stick around though and left shortly.
5. After about a week of no sightings they returned to the dangerous reef and within three hours there were three great whites around the ship. two were return visitors both Peaches and Katie had returned. the other white was nine and a half feet and she was called Rosy by the crew she was tagged.
1. Why are so many of the sharks female?
2. What are the inspirations for the names of the sharks?
3. Does the tagging spear hurt the sharks?
4. How do the sharks react to getting tagged?
1. Tagging. A piece or strip of strong paper, plastic, metal, leather, etc., for attaching by one end to something.
2. Repellent. Causing distaste or aversion.
3. Neptune. One of the plants in our solar system.
Lititure terms
1. Anthropomorphic. the sharks are given different personalities such as Rosy who was considered a very affectionate,
2. Irony. The first shark they find that stays around long enough had such hard skin they almost couldn't do it.
Final Comment
This book gives such a good outlook on sharks that is so much better than societies.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cousteau's Graet White Shark

1.After only seeing three great whites on the expedition the crew disappointed returned to port Lincoln.
2.There they filmed sea lions and a Small octopus that had a extremely dangerous venom in it.
3.After that they continued with their expedition and encountered a eleven foot White shark they called Simone. She was actually very curious and stuck around the ship for more than three hours.
4.The team even got the chance to go down and film it for three hours.
5.She even almost took a bite out of one of the divers fins that was sticking out of the new plastic cage they designed.
1.What kind of plastic could hold a great white?
2.What can ordinary diviers use to protect themselves from a shark?
3.What are other shark cages made out of?
4.What kind of camreas do the camreamen use.
1.abalone.A large mollusk.
2.swiftly.Moving or capable of moving with great speed or velocity.
3.glum.Sullenly or silently gloomy
Lititure terms charecterization.One of the crew members is described as a tall young man.
2.irony.In the story One crew member actually says he pities the sharks because of how many of them are killed but I know many people who say they are horrable. Actually most people think this.
Final Comment
This book is so fasinating that I can;t take my eyes off it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1.After the bad luck in the Farron Islands Cousteau's team decided to move on to another area there called the Dangerous Reef.
2.The Dangerous Reef is known to have a huge population of great white sharks mostly because of the sea lion population in the area.
3.Right when they got there Rodney started to bait the area with his special mix of chum which is made up of whale oil and guts and blood of tuna.
4.While they were waiting that first day Rodney started to describe the moment he was attacked he said that he doesn't hate the animals for it but says they are beautiful creatures.
5.After that it was night so they all turned in. That morning they awoke to Rodney yelling "shark!" it was a eleven foot great white but sadly do to poor wheater conditions they could not film.
1.What part of the whale does the oil come from?
2.What was the gender of the shark?
3.What does Rodney do other than study sharks?
4.How big do these sharks usually get?
1.reef.A ridge of rocks or sand, often of coral debris, at or near the surface of the water.
2.whale oil.Oil rendered from whale blubber, formerly widely used as a fuel for lamps and for making soap and candles
3.murky.Obscure or thick with mist, haze, etc., as the air
Lititure terms
1.irony.There is a bit of irony in the fact that the first chance the team gets to film a great white they can;t do it.
2.personification.When they sight the shark they describe it as curious.
final comment
I was surprised when I read that the shark was only 11 feet usually you only hear about the big ones.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1. This book is about Jean Micheal Cousteau and his team's expedition to find and film a great white shark underwater.
2. One of the leading advisers on the crew is Rondey Fox who was attacked by a great white shark in a spearfishing contest in Australia and had to get 475 stitches to patch up the wounds.
3. The expedition started in the Farllon islands where the area is supposed to be flourishing with great white sharks.
4. This failed with the result that not even one shark was spotted even with chumming for extended periods of time
5. The great White's history is also diced into in these chapters with the fact that white sharks are related to the C. Megalodon. This creature was more than 40 feet long and had 6 inch teeth.
1. When did the megalodon live?
2. Where are the Frallon islands located?
3. How big was the shark that attacked Rodney Fox?
4. Are White sharks endangered?
1. Anxieties. Distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger.
2. Chum. Cut or ground bait dumped into the water to attract fish.
3. Shark. carnivorous fishes with fins and tough skin covered with small tooth like scales.
Literature terms.
1. setting. This story takes place on the oceans in Australia
2. simile. Sharks way of replacing their teeth is compared to a conveyor belt.
Final comment.
This book has immediately captured my interest and I will not stop reading it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Delusion of Satan - The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials

1. The final part of this climax ends with the hangings of at least nineteen people with another 150 in jail for witchcraft and with 300 new accused witches.
2. The cruelest death came to Giles Cory when he refused to go to trial because he knew how all the others who were sent to trial died. He saw no point in going and refused to go so they pressed him. Pressing was when you put rocks on a person until they said innocent or guilty. Giles only said more weight until he was crushed.
3. The Puttmans justified this by saying that Ann Putman saw a vision of Giles doing the same thing to one of his servants who was mysteriously murdered seventeen years ago.
4. Everyone else such as Rebecca Nurse, George Burroughs, and Martha Cory were hanged unless they confessed.
5. The witchcraft Hysteria ended when the afflicted went so far as to say that the Governor’s wife was a witch. That was a mistake. The Governor then made a law that stated you needed real evidence to convict people and not just the girls visions. The rest of this book went into finer detail about the trials and the fight to keep it going.
1. What happened to Giles Cory?
2. How did it make you feel?
3. Who were some of the people hanged?
4. How did the witch hunt end?
1. Crushed. To break, pound, or grind.
2. Evidence. That which tends to prove or disprove something.
3. End. The concluding part of an action, story, etc.
Literary terms
1. Falling action. The witch hunt started to lose support.
2. Resolution. The hysteria final ended with the Accusing of the Governor’s wife.
It is important that we never forget these tragic events and also not ever fall into enough dismay to make us kill nineteen people.