Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cousteau's Graet White Shark

1.After only seeing three great whites on the expedition the crew disappointed returned to port Lincoln.
2.There they filmed sea lions and a Small octopus that had a extremely dangerous venom in it.
3.After that they continued with their expedition and encountered a eleven foot White shark they called Simone. She was actually very curious and stuck around the ship for more than three hours.
4.The team even got the chance to go down and film it for three hours.
5.She even almost took a bite out of one of the divers fins that was sticking out of the new plastic cage they designed.
1.What kind of plastic could hold a great white?
2.What can ordinary diviers use to protect themselves from a shark?
3.What are other shark cages made out of?
4.What kind of camreas do the camreamen use.
1.abalone.A large mollusk.
2.swiftly.Moving or capable of moving with great speed or velocity.
3.glum.Sullenly or silently gloomy
Lititure terms
1.direct charecterization.One of the crew members is described as a tall young man.
2.irony.In the story One crew member actually says he pities the sharks because of how many of them are killed but I know many people who say they are horrable. Actually most people think this.
Final Comment
This book is so fasinating that I can;t take my eyes off it.

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