Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cousteau's Graet White Shark

1. After tagging Rosey another female thirteen foot great white came towards the boat they named her Isbelle.
2. The crew decided while all four of these sharks around who were Katie, Rosey, Peaches, and Isbelle they would put their artificial shark into the water. the sharks didn't pay any attention to the shark except Peaches.
3. Peaches who mind you is a fifteen foot shark seemed scared of the model for awhile he just circled the model then he bumped it with his nose after that about two minutes later she came up right underneath it and attacked it.
4. Peaches bit the model on the gills then attacked it repeatedly five times. she bit so hard that the ribs f the model which were made out of the same material of the plastic cage snapped in half. The ribs were two inch's thicker than the cage wall.
5. The team could not figure out why Peaches attacked the shark it couldn't be for dominance because she was with three other sharks the whole day the only thing the crew know was that she was really scared of the model.
1. Why did they keep using the plastic cage?
2. Who made the model shark?
3. Why did Peaches attack the shark while none of the other's did?
4. Why didn't they pull the model up after the first attack?
1. Latex. A milky exudate from certain plants that coagulates on exposure to air.
2. Bail. To dip (water) out of a boat, as with a bucket.
3. Artificial. Made by human skill; produced by humans.
Literature terms
1. Simile. In terms of how smart they are sharks are compared to dogs or birds.
2. Characterization. In this story actually the thing I notice about characterization is that there is almost none.
Final Comment.
It's very scarey to know that a shark can literialy bite through bullet proof plastic.

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