Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cousteau's Great White Shark

1. This book is about Jean Micheal Cousteau and his team's expedition to find and film a great white shark underwater.
2. One of the leading advisers on the crew is Rondey Fox who was attacked by a great white shark in a spearfishing contest in Australia and had to get 475 stitches to patch up the wounds.
3. The expedition started in the Farllon islands where the area is supposed to be flourishing with great white sharks.
4. This failed with the result that not even one shark was spotted even with chumming for extended periods of time
5. The great White's history is also diced into in these chapters with the fact that white sharks are related to the C. Megalodon. This creature was more than 40 feet long and had 6 inch teeth.
1. When did the megalodon live?
2. Where are the Frallon islands located?
3. How big was the shark that attacked Rodney Fox?
4. Are White sharks endangered?
1. Anxieties. Distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger.
2. Chum. Cut or ground bait dumped into the water to attract fish.
3. Shark. carnivorous fishes with fins and tough skin covered with small tooth like scales.
Literature terms.
1. setting. This story takes place on the oceans in Australia
2. simile. Sharks way of replacing their teeth is compared to a conveyor belt.
Final comment.
This book has immediately captured my interest and I will not stop reading it.

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