Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the ring

1. Frodo and his companion's are leaving Frodo's new home.
2. To make sure the that they are not seen by anyone especially the black riders they are going through the old forest. The others are terrified of this place.
3. While on the way through merry tells them how the trees in the forest are alive and will even try to harm them if they are not careful.
4. Suddenly they all feel very tired and they rest under an old willow tree but when they awake they find that the tree id trying to crush Pippin and Merry, And is trying to drown Frodo and Sam. Sam and Frodo get away but they aren't able to free Merry or Pippin. Then Tom comes along and sings a song to the willow tree and Merry and Pippin are freed. Not one of them have any Idea who this Tom is.
5. He Bring them all to his house deep in the Forest and They find he is a very kind cheerful person.
1. What exactly is Tom?
2. The riders don't even know what Frodo looks like So why are they going to all this bother?
3. Why are the trees so evil?
4. Why Does the Forest listen to Tom?
1. Spirit. The principle of conscious life.
2. Tinder. Small dry easily flammable objects.
3. Forest. A large tract of land covered with trees and underbrush; woodland.
Literature Terms.
1. Setting. A Dark almost Magical and dangerous Forest.
2. Irony. The Place Frodo And his companions seek rest trys to kill them.
Final Comment
This story has some of the best characters I've ever seen in a book.

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