Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the ring

1. Frodo and his companions are leaving Tom's house.
2. After saying their farewells they go off and soon find themselves in a deep dense fog. The horse's start to get scared and Frodos horse starts running wildly in fright.
3. Frodo then hears some sort of song and realizes that a barrow wight is upon them.
4. Frodo awakes to find him and his companions are tied up and then he sees a long pale arm coming from behind him. He then takes a dagger and hits it the barrow wight it cries in response.
5. Suddenly Tom comes out of nowhere and starts singing a song and the barrow wight flees in fear. Tom frees Frodo and his companions and they head out again Tom stops along the way and tells them he must go back but they should head to the village of Bree.
1. What is a Barrow wight?
2. Why did it flee just because of a song?
3. Why go to Bree instead of just going to Rivendale?
4. Why didn't the Bright just kill them?
1. Trembling. To shake involuntarily with quick, short movements, as from fear.
2. Flank. The side of anything, as of a building
3. Bade. to express a greeting, farewell, benediction, or wish.
Literature Terms
1.Gothic Novel. The Lord of the Rings has a Gothic fell to it with constant terrors and dark settings.
2. Direct Characterization. The Barrow Wight is descirbed as a dark tall figure.
Final Comment
This Story keep getting Darker and darker as it goes on.

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